Forest Fire in Canada カナダの山火事


On my last road trip crossing British Columbia from west to east, I encountered this forest fire. I was not able to capture the flame in the photograph, but I saw it. This fire lasted over a week. At the beginning, the entire mountain was on fire…. So scary. What’s going on?


Forest fires news kept going summer 2023 in Canada. This disturbing natural disaster made me think a lot. Not only the cause of it (what we see), but also  also of which we don’t really think (what unseen). There is alway yin and yang effect in this world, I think.  


How does the forest fire start? According to the government of British Columbia, 60% of the cause of the fire is lightning. Others are cased by careless humans. Last week (mid August 2023) the shocking image of forest fire in Yellow Knife and Kelowna arrived on my news items on the computer. The image absolutely shakes my heart. The flame covered the entire mountains. The heavy smoke runs all over the town. A lot of residents were under evacuation order. 


地元関連ニュースは(こちら)Here is the news clip to see more photos and scoop in Yellow Knife (click here

During Covid-19 when we experienced lockdown when people stayed at home and not so many cars were on the street, store closed early and people cooked at home a lot more often , I remember almost no forest fire happened.


Also, this phenomenon only started happening recent years. Forest fire did happen, but not this many or if happened, the scale was much smaller. What’s going on? 


Bethany Linsey, from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) news,  reports, (click here to read the whole article) that climate change does something to do with this horrific natural disaster. I agree with her. Many decades, different scientists have been blowing a whistle. Yet, the scale of the environmental disaster such as hurricane, typhoon, flooding, and forest fire only gets larger. I wonder if the forest fire could be ‘the language’ that the nature use to warn us how the earth would look like if we continue not to care for what 


My personal view adds another aspect to see the world differently. The nature’s law and the eastern philosophy, the relationship between the yin-and-yang idea into this natural deserter. In the Eastern Philosophy, there are basic five elements exist and influence one another. Some support each other and others contradict one another. For instance, water puts off fire, but water also nourishes trees. Trees need water, but fire could take trees’ life away. Regardless of the consequences for the each roles wether or not they affect positively or negatively, they all live together in the harmonious balance. I believe that the nature always teach the humans something very important and when this kind of imbalance happens, I wonder the nature warns us something. The fire can emerge through friction. Such a frictional force occurs at the same time the resistance occurs…. Humans do not stop harming the earth (friction) and the nature might be resisting the force… To me, the nature might be showing their displeasure towards what humans do, mistreating the earth, by using the vicious fire? 

What is it that humans can do?

